How significant is the “value gap” and can it be fixed?

Creators, record labels and music publishers are complaining that large internet companies do not compensate rights holders fairly by using loopholes in legislation around the world. Is this “value grab” really significant? How does it affect rights holders? And what are the remedies?

Eddie Schwartz, songwriter and chair of Fair Trade Music International, took part in the panel during Canadian Music Week’s 3 day Music Summit in Toronto to give the creator’s perspective on this question. He was joined by journalist, Robert Levine; managing director or Peermusic Canada and Canadian Music Publishers Association member, Neville Quinlan; CEO of La GAM (Guilde des Artistes de la Musique), Suzanne Combo; and the President and CEO of Music Canada,
Graham Henderson.

Note: FTMI posts songwriter, composer, artist and other music industry related news and events as a resource to music creators. Publishing these posts does not imply that FTMI endorses the point of view, event, product, service, company or other aspect of the news or event unless explicitly stated.

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