On October 15th, the International Council of Music Creators (CIAM) held its annual congress in Siena. Created in 1966, CIAM protects the rights and asserts the cultural aspirations of music creators. CIAM is the united voice of music creators around the world.
In Siena, Music Creators North America (MCNA) Co-Chair Eddie Schwartz informed members during a panel about the creation of a Fair Trade Music certification criteria and body. The body will ensure that any digital platforms that comply with the objectives of Fair Trade Music may receive certification. Moderated by Charles Sanders of MCNA, the panel on how to build such an international certification body included Alfons Karabuda of ECSA, Juca Novaes of ABRAMUS/CIAM, Paul Pacifico of FAC/IAO, Suzanne Combo of GAM, Simon Darlow of CIAM/PRS for Music, Rick Carnes of MCNA and Nic Garnett of Interight Asia.